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아세안연구원의 전신인 아시아지역연구소, 동남아시아연구소, 동남아지역원에서 1998년부터 발행된 총서와 단행본은 현재까지 총 28권이 있다. 아세안연구원에서는 동남아연구에 필요한 명저들을 선고하여 번역 출판을 준비 중에 있으며, 새로운 기획도서 및 연구성과에 따른 저서들을 발행할 예정이다.

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총서11 『Wekmasuk Wundauk U Latts Diary 1』

아세안연구원 2019-12-07 00:00

총서11 『Wekmasuk Wundauk U Latts Diary 1』

동남아시아 지역연구총서11 『Wekmasuk Wundauk U Latt's Diary 1』

≫≫ 저자: Than Tun

≫≫ 번역: Myo oo

≫≫ ISBN번호: 978-89-8312-364-0

≫≫ 발간년월: 2012년 05월

  U Latt (29 November 1845~10 August 1930), the head of Wekmasuk town, was a famous noble man during the Konbaung period (1752~1885), and recorded his experience in his diary which is telling the information on the socioeconomic con dition of Mandalay. U Latt's diary is the only one primary and contemporary document recorded in Burmese which provides valuable historical data and facts on changes in lifestyles at Mandalay. U latt's diary was edited and published in three volumes from 2005 to 2007 by the Myanmar Historical Commission and Department of Historical Research.