총서 및 보고서

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아세안연구원의 전신인 아시아지역연구소, 동남아시아연구소, 동남아지역원에서 1998년부터 발행된 총서와 단행본은 현재까지 총 28권이 있다. 아세안연구원에서는 동남아연구에 필요한 명저들을 선고하여 번역 출판을 준비 중에 있으며, 새로운 기획도서 및 연구성과에 따른 저서들을 발행할 예정이다.

도서 구입문의: 051-509-6314 (아세안연구원)


아세안연구원 2023-01-13 14:19


≫≫ 저자: Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhma

≫≫ ISBN번호: 978-623-6999-21-9

≫≫ 발간년월: 2022년 12월

 2022 was another crucial year for China-Indonesia relations. The cooperation continued to grow and expand in various fields. While political and economic fields remain the arenas where the ties between China and Indonesia predominantly revolved, 2022 witnessed numerous developments on the soft-power fields. These included China’s growing media influence and its public diplomacy towards the Muslim community aimed to augment its positive image among Indonesians. Such efforts appeared to be a response to the fact that in recent years Indonesians’ view of China have not been positive. In 2022's survey, there was a decline in the public's positive feelings towards China decreased significantly compared to five years ago. This sentiment is rooted not only in the country’s long history of anti-China sentiment, which has been exacerbated by Chinese incursions in the South China Sea, but mainly its ill treatment of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. As the previous two years, this book aims to understand the various dynamics in the relationship between China and Indonesia throughout 2022. It analyses crucial episodes in Beijing-Jakarta cooperation that took place in the past year and attempts to offer recommendations that can be taken by government actors, business actors, and other relevant stakeholders in order to ensure that the relationship are mutually beneficial for both countries. Most of the chapters included in this book have been published by international media such as Asia Sentinel, The Diplomat, The Conversation, The Interpreter, South China Morning Post, Southeast Asia Globe and Stratsea. I hope that the book can open a new window for readers to see the dynamics of Indonesia-China relations from various perspectives. The author hopes that this work can become a reference for students and researchers who are interested in foreign policy issues and the politics of international cooperation. I would like to thank everyone who has made this book possible. I do apologise for any shortcomings contained in this book

Busan, December 7, 2021 

Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat