
홈자료>연구자료(HK)>동남아 개별국

[미얀마] Burmese Historical Literature (6): Sittan

Myo Oo 2012-05-14 00:00

Sittans, or revenue inquests, have the same value as the Domesday Book of Norman England. The first Burmese king to compile a revenue inquest was king Thalun (1629-48). King Bodawpaya later followed in 1784 and 1803. King Bodawpaya was more thorough in his enquires than King Thalun, and under him, the sittans were more elaborately done on a nation-wide scale. They contain descriptions of villages, arable land, products, taxes and demography. Bodawpaya checked the reports about religious property in the sittans with records found on about six hundred stone inscriptions, which he had collected at the capital. These inscriptions record donations made to the monasteries, and he was thus able to decide which areas should be exempted from taxation. He would not encroach upon religious property despite his deed—so rigid was the convention governing relation between the Church and the State during the days of the Burmese monarch.


Thaung Blackmore. 1967. “Burmese Historical Literature and Native and Foreign Scholarship.” F. S. Drake & Wolfram Eberhard (eds.). In Symposium on Historical, Archaeological, and Linguistic Studies on Southern China, South-East Asia and the Hong Kong Region. pp. 310-319. Hong Kong: Hong Kong city University Press.

List of Sittans

Hansawady Provincial 32 Towns Sittan
Mottama Provincial 32 Towns Sittan
Pathein Provincial 32 Towns Sittan
Koliya Town Sittan (1145)
Koliya Town Sittan (1164)
Kyauk Sa-yit Town Sittan (1145)
Kyauk Sa-yit Town Sittan (1164)
Kyauk Maw Town Sittan (1145)
Kyauk Maw Town Sittan (1165)
Kyauk Pya Yaw Mindat Sittan (1146)
Sittaung Town Sittan (1145)
Zaung Tu Town Sittan (1164)
Zwe Bon Town Sittan (1164)
Tuywin Taing Town Sittan (1145)
Tuywin Taing Town Sittan (1164)
Ti Tut Town Sittan (1164)
Htandaw Gyi Town Sittan (1164)
Din Me Town Sittan (1164)
Bagan Town Sittan (1127)
Baung Lin Town Sittan (1164)
Ma U Town Sittan (1164)
May Yin Saya Town Sittan (1164)
Maw Bi Town Sittan (1164)
Maw Lon Town Sittan (1164)
Mingala Ton Town Sittan (1164)
Min Ye Hla Town Sittan (1146)
Min Ye Hla Town Sittan (1164)
Yanmawady Town Sittan (1164)
Lagun Bye Town Sittan (1164)
Hansa Zaing Ganine Town Sittan (1164)
Hansawady Town Sittan (1164)
Aka Raing Town Sittan (1164)