

공지 CALL FOR PANEL PROPOSALS For the 2022 International Conference of KIAS-BUFS

아세안연구원 2022-05-12 21:12

Conference Theme:

ASEAN Subregionalism and Korea-ASEAN Relations:

Towards Complementary Cooperative Relationship


ASEAN sub-regional cooperation emerged in the 1990s, focusing on the trans-border domain of shared economic interests. Sub-regional cooperation, which is promoted in line with the interests of transnational actors and various international capital inflows, has emerged as a new international cooperation scheme that possibly promotes economic development and regional security simultaneously. The first ASEAN sub-regional scheme was the Indonesian Malaysian-Singapore Growth Triangle (IMS-GT) in 1989, which was established in response to Singapore's proposal to create an economic hinterland. Since then, other sub-regional cooperation schemes within ASEAN have emerged, including the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS, 1992), Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT, 1993), and Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asian Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA, 1994). Among others, GMS is a subregion created to respond to the ASEAN Integration Initiative (IAI) to address the development gap between the developed and the underdeveloped member countries. Meanwhile, BIMP-EAGA is a sub-region concentrating on the maritime ASEAN members which aims to promote the development of the underdeveloped peripheral areas. Beyond their own internal cooperation, these ASEAN sub-regions have increasingly become areas of cooperation and competition among the ASEAN external partners. This has made the sub-regional cooperation have a considerable implication for the regional political security in East Asia.


Among these external partners is South Korea. Previously, under the Moon Jae-in government, it has tried to expand its outreach to Southeast Asia through its New Southern Policy (NSP). President Moon demonstrated his commitment to Southeast Asia, visiting all 10 ASEAN countries in his first two years in office. Over the years, the relationship between South Korea and ASEAN has not only increased but has also expanded to different spheres. In early May 2022, Yoon Suk-yeol was inaugurated as the new president of South Korea. While there is no detailed roadmap yet on the new president’s approach to ASEAN, the relationship between South Korea and ASEAN is likely to continue, considering the importance of ASEAN as a partner.


The KIAS-BUFS kicked off the 6-years-research project on 1 September 2021, funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The research agenda is “A Strategic Study for the Advancement of (Korean Government’s) New Southern Policy by Linking ASEAN Sub-regions.” Under the grand research agenda, the 2022 International Conference of KIAS-BUFS invites scholars who are interested in the theme, “ASEAN Subregionalism and Korea-ASEAN Relations: Towards Complementary Cooperative Relationship,” Papers on the following sub-themes are particularly welcomed:


1)        ASEAN sub-regional cooperation: Past, present, and future

2)        ASEAN member countries’ standpoint on the subregionalism

3)        Cooperation between external partners and ASEAN sub-regions

4)        The future of Korea-ASEAN relations

5)        Other general topics on ASEAN and Southeast Asian studies


Submission of Proposals/Full Papers and Journal Publication


1)   The one-page of proposal (title and abstract) should contain the basic arguments of the full paper.

2)   The full paper should be written in English, 5,000 to 10,000 words in length, and must conform to the Text and Manuscript Guidelines of SUVANNABHUMI: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (https://suvannabhumi.bufs.ac.kr/).

3)   After the Conference, presented papers are expected to be improved and/or revised by the authors for submission to SUVANNABHUMI: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. The articles will undergo a peer-reviewed process before publication.

4)   Schedule for Proposal/Full paper submission:


   Submission of proposals and curriculum vitaes: 15 June 2022

    Submission of full papers (for selected proposals only): 15 September 2022

    Submissions should be made via email to zulfikar@bufs.ac.kr


Privileges for the Conference Participants


Panel Participants (sponsored by institutions)

    Panel participants will be provided 3-night hotel accommodations and a city tour of Busan. No subsidy for the air tickets will be provided.

    Upon request, the institutional title of the panel sponsor shall be posted in the list of the Conference sponsors.


Contact to:


Zulfikar Rakhmat, Ph.D

Conference Organizer, Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies, BUFS

Office: +82-51-509-6642, Mobile: +82-10-6538-9321

Email: zulfikar@bufs.ac.kr