부산외국어대학교 아세안연구원 주메뉴
아세안연구원 2022-10-20 20:34
The 75th KIAS Colloquium
Date & Time : Oct. 26(Wed.) 2022, 15:00~19:00(including dinner)
Venue : Global Center A315, Busan University of Foreign Studies
《 Program Schedule 》
Section 1: 15:00~17:00
Moderator : Prof. LEE Yohan (KIAS, BUFS)
Welcoming remark : Prof. Kim Dong-Yeob (KIAS Director, BUFS)
[Main Theme: Social Issues in Indonesia]
Presentation 1: Prof. Karina Utami Dewi (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Presentation 2: Prof. Masitoh Nur Rohma (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Presentation 3: Prof. Mohammad Rezky Utama (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Presentation 4: Prof. Willi Ashadi (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Discussants : Prof. Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat (KIAS, BUFS)
Prof. Koo Bo-Kyeung(KIAS, BUFS)
[ Photo Session ]
Section 2: 17:00~19:00 《 Dinner 》